On the morning of June 12, 2023, Professor Huang Renwei, Executive Vice President of the Institute of Belt, Road and Global Governance of Fudan University, Vice President Luo Qian, and researchers Zhang Yifeng and Wang Ting visited the Middle East Studies Institute (MESI) of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) and conducted working exchanges and academic seminars with the researchers. Professor Ding Jun, Director of the MESI, Associate Researcher Yu Yong, Deputy Director of the MESI, and researchers Niu Song, Fan Hongda, Zhang Yuan, Zhao Jun, Bao Chengzhang and Wen Shaobiao attended the seminar.

Director Ding Jun welcomed the visit of Professor Huang Renwei and his delegation. He also briefly introduced the development history, special advantages and team building of the MESI. Vice Director Yu Yong introduced the research project management, daily operation and think-tank construction of the MESI to the guests. Professor Huang Renwei introduced the current situation of the Institute of Belt, Road and Global Governance of Fudan University and the construction of its think tank and talent team.
Researchers from both sides discussed in depth about the construction of the think tank talent team, research funding guarantee, and evaluation of think tank results, and formed a broad consensus on strengthening exchanges and deepening cooperation in the field of Belt and Road research in the future.