Article | Author | Page | Link |
Special Feature |
Exchanges between the Communist Party of China and Iranian Political Parties and Politics: Dynamics, Characteristics and Trends Governance in the Middle East | Han Jianwei
| 03-20
A Study on the Security Governance Performance of the Arab League in Structural and Constructive Perspective | Bi Jiankang
| 21-38 |  |
Humanitarian organizations, local governments and refugee governance: the case of Lebanon's response to the Syrian refugee crisis | Wu Haotan
| 39-56 | 
The problem of marginalized people and their governance in GCC countries | Chen Jie, Zhang Jieying
| 57-75 | 
The Impact of the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic on Egypt and the Government's Governance and Response | Li Cailing, Wang Tai
| 76-93 | 
The governance path of poverty and its dilemma in Israel | Deng Yanping | 94-109 |  |
The Traceability of Extremist Actions from the Perspective of Individual Social Psychology | Gui Xiaowei
| 110-131 |  |
Boko Haram's Identity Composition and Strategic Choices
| Ning Yu
| 132-156
|  |